GISquirrel allows you to view, edit and manage spatial data from Microsoft SQL Server or PostGIS in ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Pro, using just a Basic/ArcView licence. No need for SDE, Server, Standard/ArcEditor or Advanced/ ArcInfo licences.

- GISquirrel links ArcGIS/ArcMap/ArcGIS Pro with Microsoft SQL Server or PostGIS, without SDE/Server or higher licensing levels.
- If you don't have SQL Server already, you can use the free "Express" editions.
- GISquirrel integrates spatial data with wider information management systems.
- GISquirrel is simple to administer, cost-effective, powerful and scalable.
- GISquirrel provides multi-user editing with an ArcGIS Basic (ArcView) licence.
- GISquirrel brings OGC-compliance for cross-platform interoperability.
- GISquirrel automatically manages spatial indexes and metadata.
- GISquirrel is free for "not for profit" environmental benefit
To find out what GISquirrel can do for you, why not download an evaluation copy.
GISquirrel also has a developer API... read more about the API